Getting the right equipment for the jobGetting the right equipment for the job

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Getting the right equipment for the job

Large jobs require different equipment than you can find in every day rental stores. When working on an industrial scale, the tools and supplies required need to match that scale, and industrial grade tools and supplies are made for large scale, difficult jobs. If the project is significant, the initial outlay in cost for industrial grade tools will be easily offset in the long run, as equipment replacement will be less. Using tools designed for the job will also increase speed, decrease downtime, and result in fewer accidents from malfunctioning equipment or trying to get something done with an inadequate tool.


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Working With Scaffolding? How To Keep Your Crew Safe

When it comes to workplace safety, many people don't give a second thought to the scaffolding they're using. Unfortunately, that lack of thought is a good way to increase the risk of on-the-job injuries. According to statistics, about 10,000 construction workers suffer scaffolding-related accidents every year. Many of those accidents could have been avoided with proper training and safety measures. If your construction crew will be using scaffolding on the job, it's important that you take the appropriate safety measures to keep them safe. Here are three important steps you can take to reduce the occurrence of scaffolding-related accidents:

Provide Proper Training

It might not seem like training would be necessary for scaffolding use. However, with proper training, a great many accidents can be avoided. Before your any member of your crew begins working atop scaffolding, it's important that they receive a training course in the proper use of the equipment. This training course should include the safety gear that should be worn, as well as information to avoid falls, trips, and collapses. To ensure continued safety, refresher courses in scaffolding safety should be provided at least once a year. Be sure that all new employees receive training before using the scaffolding equipment.

Insist on Daily Inspections

Whether your crew will be using the scaffolding for several days, or throughout the construction project, it's important that you insist on daily inspections of the equipment. You never know when something could have occurred during the night that could cause potential risks during the workday. Before your crew begins using the scaffolding each day, have them inspect the base, platform, and guardrails. The base should be level, providing a stable foundation for the scaffolding. The platform should be secure, and free of any loose debris that could cause injuries. The guardrails should be securely attached to the platform, and there shouldn't be any missing pieces. If any problems exist, the scaffolding shouldn't be used until repairs can be made.

Avoid Live Wires

If there are live wires or power lines near the construction site, you'll need to avoid using scaffolding in those areas. Being too close to power lines could lead to electrocutions. If it's not possible to set up your scaffolding a safe distance from the power lines, you should avoid using scaffolding for this particular project.

Scaffolding is a vital piece of equipment for construction jobs. However, they require proper safety precautions. Use the safety tips provided here to ensure the safety of your employees when working with scaffolding.

Contact a company like Savage Scaffold & Equipment Co. for more information and assistance.