3 Ways To Know If Your Commercial Fire Sprinklers Will Work In An Emergency
Warehousing facilities that have no windows and few doors must have specific fire safety features in place that can effectively put out fire before they spread to massive proportions. Having a large fire hose wound up and kept in a glass case for workers to use will be very effective in case of a fire. However, automatic sprinklers are almost impervious to human error. Use a pressure gauge stainless steel anti corrosion system to get your commercial fire sprinklers to generate the maximum amount of water flow necessary for quenching smoldering flames. Here are three methods your company can use when testing out your commercial sprinkler system to assure you that it will work well if there's a fire at your commercial facilities.
1. Test The Water Pressure - When your commercial sprinklers go off you want a fast, hard, and continuous gush of water to come out. Commercial fire sprinklers are optimally set to run for a minute or two to ensure that both all flames are suffocated and that any leftover burning embers have been saturated in water. Using pressure gauge stainless steel systems to regulate the amount of water that comes out of the commercial fire sprinklers at your business will prevent mishaps at a critical time.
2. Check Your Water Valves - If you have tested your pressure gauge stainless steel system for water pressure coming out of the sprinkler heads themselves, you should next look at the main source of water flow to each individual sprinkler. Adjusting your water valves can help to correct commercial fire sprinklers that too little water coming out or streams of water that are so powerful that they can be damaging to equipment. Open the water valves so that fires can be stopped safely, fast and with little damage done to the interior.
3. Ensure Your Sprinklers Go Off When The Fire Alarm Sounds - Commercial fire sprinklers are set to start working when the fire alarmed has sounded long enough to trigger a response. Naturally, all technical connections should be checked so that you don't need to manually trigger your commercial fire sprinkler system. Remember that you can do a dry run in a place like an empty corridor where the water can easily be mopped up. Although your pressure gauge stainless steel setup, water valves and fire alarms should have been tested vigorously before your company occupied the premises, more testing is also necessary for catching possible malfunctions and broken parts.
Pressure gauges are available for purchase from enterprises like Direct Material.